Is it raining now? Will it rain later? Let the weather tell you. Taiwans best localized weather information tool, and can grasp typhoon information, earthquakes, AQI air quality and PM2.5, real-time lightning, and other functions
超過100萬下載! 台灣天氣類App代名詞:觀天氣! 觀天氣影音台:氣象報導,氣象知識隨身看.颱風動態最佳掌握資訊APP.新增 即時閃電 功能功能簡介:1.台灣天氣資訊查詢,觀測 利用網路定位得知所在位置(縣市)的天氣現況及未來幾天天氣情況。 2.現在下雨嗎? 這不是預測, 這是每幾分鐘就更新的即時資訊!根據中央氣象局在全台五百多個量測點的即時雨量, 經過觀天氣的雲端運算並整理出最易理解的版面呈現。3.觀天氣影音台氣象包羅萬象,觀天氣影音台讓你掌握天氣,認識天氣。氣象報導,氣象知識隨身看。4.氣象達人除了中央氣象局,觀天氣引進由氣象達人彭啟明博士的團隊為你每天報導最專業氣象新聞及知識。5.衛星雲圖,日累積雨量圖,溫度分布圖,紫外線,雷達回波以上資訊由中央氣象局取得, 依照中央氣象局所提供,您可以知道最近半小時或一小時前的氣象資訊。 6.環境觀測環境輻射即時監測資訊,空氣污染指標,細懸浮微粒(PM2.5),臭氧8小時7.漁業氣象3天漁業, 潮汐預報, 近海漁業, 海象預報8.其它功能地震觀測,停止辦公及上課情形,104年行政辦公日曆表,水庫水位,每日之日出日落時間9. 水情資訊提供 水庫水位, 限水資訊, 臨時供水站 資訊10. 待會下雨嗎?運用人工智慧技術對天氣雷達圖進行分析,精確預報未來一小時雨量變化,提供易於理解的外出建議。★ 台灣最多人用的台灣天氣APP★ 入選 台北市政府官方推薦 APP★ 連續20個月天氣類別第一名★ 2015 APP01華人行動應用大賞 獲獎● 若有使用問體,建議或有任何想法,歡迎一起討論!作者信箱:[email protected]資料來源 :1. 中央氣象局2. 行政院人事行政總處3. 行政院原子能委員會輻射偵測中心4. 彩彻区明科技5. 請以上述網站資料為準以上所述資料來源包括但不限定於文字,資訊,圖形,影片等資料的所有權利及義務均屬資料來源者所有。免責聲明(下載本程式即表同意):對於本程式所載資料的準確性、可用性、完整性或效用,概不作出明確或暗示的保證、聲明或陳述;在法律許可的範圍內,對於提供或使用這些資料而可能直接或間接引致任何損失、損壞或傷害(包括死亡),亦不負任何法律承擔或責任(包括疏忽責任)。PS: 本程式內建廣告,含插頁廣告及影音廣告本程式非中央氣象局官方APPOver 1 million downloads! Synonymous with weather apps in Taiwan: Watch the weather!Watch the weather video station: weather reports, weather knowledge with you.The best information app for typhoon dynamics.Added real-time lightning functionFunction introduction:1. Taiwan weather information query and observationUse network positioning to know the current weather conditions of your location (counties and cities) and the weather conditions in the next few days.2. Is it raining now?This is not a prediction, it is real-time information updated every few minutes! According to the real-time rainfall of the Central Meteorological Bureau at more than 500 measurement points across Taiwan, the most understandable layout is compiled through cloud computing of weather observation.3. Watch the weather video stationThe weather is all-encompassing, and the weather video station allows you to master the weather and understand the weather. Weather reports, weather knowledge on the go.4. Weather expertIn addition to the Central Meteorological Bureau, the weather watch team introduced by the weather expert Dr. Peng Qimings team will report the most professional weather news and knowledge for you every day.5. Satellite cloud image, daily accumulated rainfall, temperature distribution, ultraviolet, radar echoThe above information is obtained by the Central Meteorological Bureau. According to the Central Meteorological Bureau, you can know the weather information of the last half an hour or an hour ago.6. Environmental ObservationReal-time environmental radiation monitoring information, air pollution indicators, fine suspended particulates (PM2.5), ozone for 8 hours7. Fishery Meteorology3-day fishery, tide forecast, offshore fishery, walrus forecast8. Other functionsEarthquake observation, suspension of office and class, 104 administrative office calendar, reservoir water level, daily sunrise and sunset time9. Water regime informationProvide reservoir water level, water limit information, temporary water supply station information10. Will it rain soon?Use artificial intelligence technology to analyze the weather radar chart, accurately forecast the rainfall changes in the next hour, and provide easy-to-understand outing advice.★ Taiwans most popular weather app in Taiwan★ Selected as the official APP recommended by Taipei City Government★ First place in weather category for 20 consecutive months★ 2015 APP01 Chinese Mobile Application Awards won● If you have any questions, suggestions or ideas, please discuss them together!Author mailbox: [email protected] :1. Central Meteorological Bureau2. General Office of Personnel Administration, Executive Yuan3. Radiation Detection Center of the Atomic Energy Commission of the Executive Yuan4. Caitou District Ming Technology5. Please refer to the above website informationAll rights and obligations of the above-mentioned data sources, including but not limited to text, information, graphics, videos, etc., belong to the data source.Disclaimer (downloading this program means agreeing):Regarding the accuracy, availability, completeness, or utility of the information contained in this program, no explicit or implied guarantee, statement or statement is made; within the scope permitted by law, the provision or use of such information may directly or indirectly lead to any No legal liability or liability (including liability for negligence) shall be assumed for loss, damage or injury (including death).PS: This program has built-in ads, including interstitial ads and audio-visual adsThis program is not the official APP of the Central Meteorological Bureau請更新來修正及新增下列功能:修正上一版 部分手機無法播放氣象預報影音問題。上一版本修正及新增下列功能:[問題修正] 1. 修正選擇開啟APP 使用預設定位時會顯示 “定位中...” 問題。2. 修正滿潮乾潮預報圖 內容無法顯示問題。3. 修正 分析及預測圖功能內 最新天氣圖 及 波浪分析圖,波浪預報圖無法顯示問題。4. 修正因定位問題在某些地區一開啟APP 會當機無法使用的問題。5. 「待會下雨嗎?」功能在少部份機會因資料傳輸造成的當機問題。[新增功能]1. 新增衛星雲圖功能內 真是色彩衛星雲圖顯示2. 新增首頁右上方之氣象警報資訊功能,內有近期分類之警報紀錄顯示。[前期版本已修正功能]1. 修復“待會下雨嗎?” 功能頁面 預測圖及雷達回波圖無法顯示問題。2. 解決開啟APP 時,會有時無法定位所在地問題。3. 解決在分享天氣資訊內容時無法分享會當機的問題。觀天氣 感謝大家使用,近期會進ㄧ步改善及增加功能,若有使用上問題請利用APP 資訊頁面 內「問題反應與建議」讓我們知道。
It sometimes shows full-screen pop-up ads. Hope the developers prevent from this kind ads.
達人提醒通知已設為不提醒卻仍然不斷跳出通知。HTC U Ultra 問題已修正
氣象不是很準 更新慢半拍。 地震也錯。。。
What makes you think this is acceptable?